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West Orange's feral cats need your help! Whether you want to be in the trenches, trapping, feeding, or fostering, or would rather help us raise money and generate awareness, there's a role for you! Learn more about how you can help West Orange TNVR below.


Donations are our life blood! You can donate money for spaying and neutering, send us supplies (see our wish list), or contact us at 

Please note, we are a 501C-3 so all donations are tax deductible

We are now members of iGive. When you shop, you save lives.  Please sign up here.

You can donate via Paypal here:

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or you can mail in donations to our President:


Judith A. Stier

1026 Smith Manor Boulevard

West Orange, NJ 07052.  

Checks should be made out to: West Orange TNVR


We have many healthy, socialized kittens and cats looking for loving forever homes. If you are interested in adopting one of our rescues, please visit our adoption page!


We need volunteers for, well, everything! Volunteer opportunities are available include working directly with the cats, fostering, fundraising, administration, generating awareness and more. 


We always need foster homes to help socialize and care for kittens waiting to be adopted.


Help take feral cats and/or kittens to and from the vet for wellness appointments or spay/neuter surgeries.


After training (which is provided), help trap feral cats that need to be spayed/neutered before being returned to their colonies.

Manage Feral Colonies

Feed and monitor feral colonies, and possibly help build and/or maintain winter shelters.


Help out at garage sales, hang flyers for other various fundraisers we have, other misc. fundraising efforts.

Adoption Events

Help set up our adoption day events, stay with the cats and kittens at the event, answer any questions from potential adopters.

If you would like to volunteer, please download and fill out our volunteer form, and mail it to:

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© 2022 West Orange TNVR

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