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Yankee Candle Fundraiser

The scents of the holiday season…

…can raise needed dollars for West Orange TNVR

West Orange Trap Neuter Vaccinate Return is partnering with the Yankee Candle company to help our community cats. WOTNVR will receive 40 percent of sales and shopping is easy:
1. Go to
2. In the “Start Shopping” box, type in our group number*: 990101507

(*Ignore the Seller ID box)

Then start shopping! Items will be shipped directly to you.

In addition to their famous candles (which come in sizes from large jars to small votives), Yankee Candle has many fragrance options for your home and car. There are gift sets that would be perfect for the holiday season. Be sure to check for the online specials. Please visit them often! Our fundraising continues through Jan. 11, 2017.

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